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The 6° Simpósio Brasileiro de Geologia do Diamante / 3rd South American Symposiun on Diamond Geology place between 3 and August 7, 2014, in Patos de Minas, Minas Gerais, Brazil.

Address: Teatro Municipal Leão de Formosa - Av. Getúlio Vargas, 78 - Centro.

To more informations, click here.

Contact to additional informations: simposiododiamante@gmail.com

Registrations can be done online by filling out and submitting the registration form.
we will exceptionally accept online registrations until July 25.

Registration will be confirmed only with payment on PagSeguro. Send proof of student status, if applicable, to simposiododiamante@gmail.com.

The "PagSeguro" system is configured to only receive payments in Brazil. To make payments from other countries, please to contact e-mail sbgmg@sbg-mg.org.br for additional instructions.


Those interested in submitting a paper (abstract or extended abstract), please note that the deadline is June, 22th, 2014. The scientific commission will examine these contributions, and communicate the authors until June, 27th, 2014.

To submit additional articles, you can fill again the inscription formulary and to chose the option: "Já sou inscrito e gostaria de submeter um trabalho adicional / I am already registered and I want to submit an additional paper".

<< Rules for the presentation of papers >>

<< Online registration>>


Região Diamantífera do Alto Paranaíba, Minas Gerais (Darcy Pedro Svizzero & Mario Luiz S.C. Chaves)
Mínimo de Participantes: 10. Máximo de Participantes: 15.

Valor: R$80,00.

Short Course: Geologia, Mineralogia e Gemologia do Diamante: uma Breve Introdução
Joachim Karfunkel, Luis Alberto de Deus Borges, Mario Luiz S.C. Chaves, Leila Benitez, Luiz Antônio Gomes da Silveira
Mínimo de Participantes: 6. Máximo de Participantes: 10.

Valor: R$60,00.

© 6º Simpósio Brasileiro de Geologia do Diamante - 2014iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiibyby Najla Mouchrek